Important Information
Important Information
Students accepted into the Lobo ColLEgiate Academy will be required to enroll in NCTC before leaving for the summer break. NCTC & LEISD will assist in this process.
Dual credit courses are rigorous college level classes and the grade for the college class will be converted to a numerical grade for the high school transcript per the LEISD Grading Guidelines.
Attendance and grading for all dual credit classes are governed by NCTC policy and calendar. For further information, visit the NCTC website
Failing a dual credit class will result in dual credit probation per NCTC guidelines. The student must enroll, and complete the failed course on their own before being allowed to re-enroll in the Lobo ColLEgiate Academy. Additionally, failing courses may have implications on the student’s four-year-plan and course scheduling.
If a Lobo ColLEgiate Academy student drops a college course within the program, it will be counted as if they failed the course and they will have to take it on their own and report a passing score before re-admittance into the Academy. Additionally, dropping courses may have implications on the student’s four-year-plan and course scheduling.
The final grade earned in the dual credit course will be designated on the high school transcript and is included in grade point and class rank calculations. If a student earns a grade in a dual credit class that is below 70, the student would receive a failing grade for the high school course on their transcript and report card. This will affect the "No Pass No Play" rule at the high school level.
While the course(s) will earn university credit and will be recorded on a formal transcript, the transferability of this course to another university rests solely with the accepting institution. Students should consult the admissions office of the appropriate institution for information regarding the transfer of credits. All courses offered in the Lobo ColLEgiate Academy qualify as “Core” for Texas public colleges & universities.
Lobo ColLEgiate Students follow the college's procedures for requesting transcripts of college credit and must remember that all dual credit classes will become part of their permanent college record.
Dual credit classes taken during the second semester of the senior year will not be counted in GPA or class ranking calculations.
The student will be responsible for bringing a copy of the college grade to their high school house office within five days after the course grade is assigned.
Students accepted into the Lobo ColLEgiate Academy will need to take Health during the summer prior to their freshman year.