Theatre III/IV
Theatre III/IV Assignments
Helpful Tools
How Do I....? videos:
Chrome Extensions I recommend:
- Spell Checker and Grammar Checker by Ginger
- Google Dictionary
- Save to Google Drive
- Print Friendly & PDF - Save paper and ink when you print
- Todoist - Todoist is the leading online to-do list and task manager. We manage millions of to-dos and we are ready to manage yours as well!
- Diigo - Bookmark, Archive, Screenshot & Markup - All-In-One Web Collector, must-have research tool
New Student?
Make sure to look through all of the above so you can get up to speed with our classroom technology. Please also look through the following documents:
- Syllabus - Theatre I
- Syllabus - Theatre II
- Syllabus - Theatre III/IV
- Syllabus - Theatre Productions I-IV
- Classroom Procedures
- Sub Points/Expectations
Finally, our classroom best practices are: Be kind in word and action, Encourage others, Be our best.