Attendance Law
Attendance Law
Beginning on August 20, 2018, a student will be counted absent if he/she is more than 10 minutes late to class. Students arriving to class after the bell rings, but within the first 10 minutes of class, will be marked tardy. This does not apply if the student comes to class with a pass from the office, clinic, counselor’s office, etc.
Attendance plays a large role in a student’s level of academic success. It is also a factor used in earning exemptions and getting or renewing a driver’s license (verification of enrollment - VOE). It is the responsibility of parents, teachers, and administrators to encourage regular and punctual attendance. It is the responsibility of the students to be in attendance each school day in a punctual manner.
Students maintaining perfect attendance are recognized each year. Seniors who have perfect attendance will be honored on Senior Awards Night.
Compulsory School Attendance Law ~ According to the Texas Education Code Section 25.085, students are required by law to attend school each school day, each period the course meets, during each term of instruction.
Ninety (90) Percent Rule ~ According to the Texas Education Code Section 25.092, students may not receive credit for a class unless they are in attendance at least 90% of the time the class is offered.